UKKO Light Entrepreneur without a business ID
Check here the frequently asked questions regarding UKKO Light Entrepreneur without a business ID. If you didn't find an answer to your question, you can always contact our customer service either by e-mail at or by phone on 09 6980 934 (Mon-Fri 9-16 o'clock).
Frequently asked questions
- Can I invoice as a light entrepreneur even though I am already an entrepreneur?
- What does an light entrepreneur mean?
- Should I start trying out my business idea as an first?
- What jobs cannot be invoiced through UKKO Light Entrepreneurship?
- Light entrepreneurship or entrepreneurship - which of services would suit me?
- What kind of jobs can be invoiced with a permit?
Start of the service
- What do I need to invoice through the UKKO Kevytyrittäjä service?
- How can I start using
- How to register to the service?
- Is registration to free?
- Is there an age limit?
- How do I change the password in the service?
Service features
- What is UKKO Assurance and what does it include?
- Service promises
- Where can I get various documents, such as a certificate?
- How do I save a new customer's information to my UKKO account?
- What is
- What is a Valtti card and can it be ordered through
- How to create an invoice?
- Can the invoiced sum be shared between two or more persons?
- Can I pay the invoice I sent myself?
- Where can I see, whether the client has already issued a payment?
- Example invoice
- I received an invoice from, and I don't know what the invoice is about. What do I do?
- What is the difference between gross salary and net salary?
- What is the bank delay?
- When is my salary calculated and reported to the income register?
- I have debts in enforcement. How does this affect the salary payment?
- Where do I get a salary receipt?
- Can I get a certificate of my work?
Salary payment
- How do I pay my own salary?
- When do I get paid?
- Why haven't I received my pay yet?
- How can I get my salary as a fast payment?
- Can I leave a salary to my UKKO account for later withdrawal?
- Will I be notified of a payment?
YEL insurance
- What does the 2023 YEL reform mean?
- Payment time for Varma's YEL payments and agreeing on a payment plan
- When do I need YEL-insurance?
- How do I take out YEL insurance?
- How much is the YEL contribution?
- What is YEL income estimation?
Social security
- As a full-time light entrepreneur, am I eligible for unemployment benefits?
- Where can I find information about the social security for entrepreneurs?
- What does short-term entrepreneurship mean?
- As a light entrepreneur, am I a full-time or part-time entrepreneur?
- As a part-time light entrepreneur, am I eligible for receiving unemployment benefits?
- Am I an entrepreneur comparable to a wage earner?
Travel costs and expenses
- Can I add expenses and what kind of expenses can be deducted?
- How the costs of the work are reimbursed?
- How much expenses can I have?
- How do I send the receipts to
- What kind of expense document is valid?
- The system added the VAT rate of the invoice to the expense receipt - why?
- Tax Administration’s new instructions regarding invoicing services
- Tax card and withholding tax - what are they?
- Which tax card should I use?
- Where can I see my own tax rate?
- Where can I get a tax card?
- Which VAT should I choose?
- Do I have to close my user account when applying for unemployment benefit?
- What documents/certificates as a light entrepreneur do I need when doing business with the TE-office?
- Can I get a work certificate for the TE-office?
- I need a salary certificate for the unemployment allowance notification. Where can I get it?
- Must I inform unemployment fund or TE-services upon registration?
FAQ for buyers of work
- Can I put the invoice I received from in the household deduction?
- What kind of contract should be made with light entrepreneur?
- How can I, as a contractor, fulfill my reporting obligations?
- Who handles the social security contributions and other obligations for the light entrepreneur?
- Do I need to check a criminal record for a light entrepreneur if I hire them to work with minors?
- How JuEL or KuEL pension insurance fees are handled in