Just because we reject your expenses doesn't mean you won't still get what you're owed. Rejecting the expense only means that you are not allowed to spend tax-free through us.
So you will receive the amount due to you as a regular salary if you have invoiced the expenses from the customer.
Via UKKO.fi, only voucher-based travel reimbursements (for example, travel tickets and accommodation expenses) can be granted tax-free. Other acquisitions, such as supplies related to the work, can be declared by the light entrepreneur as income acquisition deductions in their personal tax return. The share of expenses should be taken into account when agreeing with the customer on the final amount of the invoice. Through UKKO.fin, you will receive compensation as a salary, but you can apply for a deduction for expenses in your own taxes.
All expenses related to your work that you cannot deduct through us, you can add to your own personal taxation as income generation deductions.
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