Yes, you can also send invoices abroad, as long as the work is done in Finland.
You can also invoice work that physically takes place abroad, however in this case it needs to be a single work case ordered by your Finnish client. If you’re unsure about whether your work can be invoiced trough our service or not, please contact our customer service.
Invoicing a foreign company can be done with a regular invoice, however, you also need to provide us with the VAT number given by your client. Please check the accuracy of the VAT number before sending your invoice. You may do that at the Taxations and Custom Union-page by European commission.
Sales inside the EU
A reverse charge procedure applies within the trade between EU countries. The invoice is sent without VAT and the VAT is paid by your client abroad, who may deduct the amount as their own sales VAT. In addition to the normal invoicing information, you must provide the VAT number given by the client. Check the correctness of the VAT number before sending the invoice
Sales outside the EU
Sales outside the EU are always VAT-free for companies. Even then, the buyer is responsible for the VAT. For non-EU companies, enter your customer company's "Company number / register number" in the VAT ID field.
Invoicing of individuals abroad
When invoicing individuals abroad, the invoicing is not VAT-free, but the 25,5% VAT rate must be used on the invoice.
Invoice language
Invoices sent abroad are in English, however, you can change the language of the invoice to Finnish or Swedish if you wish.
Invoice currency
In invoices sent through us, the currency is always euro.
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