When signing up for UKKO Light Entrepreneurship with your own business ID, Suomi.fi authorization is a very important permission you need to give us. This permission lets UKKO.fi act as your accountant towards the tax administration. We will need these permissions to handle the bureaucracies, like filing VAT’s and yearly tax returns on your behalf. We need this immediately after you have registered, so we are able to start operating on your behalf.
After you have registered with UKKO Light Entrepreneurship with Business ID, we will send you a notification asking you to log on to the Suomi.fi website with a strong identification (eg. your bank credentials). In the Suomi.fi -service you will find a permission request from “UKKO Yrittäjyyspalvelut Oy”. You need to accept our permission request so we can finalize setting up the service.
Note: Your UKKO account will remain in a locked status until you grant us the Suomi.fi authorization to act as your accountant.
How do I accept the Suomi.fi authorization request?
Please click the link below to read the step-by-step procedure for accepting our request in Suomi.fi -service.
Step-by-step procedure of accepting the Suomi.fi authorization request.
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