Here are the instructions with pictures; register, create a business ID and choose a vehicle, and you are ready to use UKKO Light Entrepreneurship service!
1. Registering
1. Open the UKKO Light Entrepreneur registration website.
2. Fill in your Email and choose a password.
3. Agree to the terms of service.
4. Then Select "Create an account, getting started is free".
5. The system logs you in.
2. Creating a new business ID in the service
1. Once you are logged in, choose ”Found a new business” in dashboard. Note: If you already have an existing Business ID, after you have registered to the service, please contact our customer service ( – we will help you set things up!
2. Fill in your name and phone number.
3. Add company information (your address).
4. In “Select an industry”, choose “Food courier”.
5. Then, select if you work for Wolt or Foodora or both.
6. Choose the estimate of your annual sales.
7. Then, you see the summary of the information you filled. Make sure that everything is right.
8. Lastly, identify yourself with your bank account.
3 Choose the vehicle
Click “Courier” in the menu and pick one of these:
• Car, under 50 % for business use
• Car, over 50 % for business use
• Other vehicle
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