The difference between our two light entrepreneur services is that in one service you can can invoice without having your business ID and your income will be paid as a salary by using your salary income tax card.
In the other light entrepreneur service, light entrepreneurship with business ID, you will become a private trader. You will invoice your client with your own business ID and you will receive business income instead of salary.
Business ID is for a company a bit like a personal identification number for a person - it is used to identify companies from each other in official contexts. Every new company receives a business ID from the Finnish Patent and Registration Board or the tax authority. The business ID consists of seven numbers, a hyphen and an eighth number. The business ID looks like this: 1234567-8.
A person can only have one business ID
A private trader or a light entrepreneur with a business ID can only have one business ID and it is always personal. When your business ends or is put on hold, the business ID will still remain reserved for you
The UKKO Light Entrepreneurship with Business ID service also differs from the UKKO Entrepreneurship as a private trader service in that there are no monthly fees and the service fee is charged only on the paid sales invoice. In the UKKO Entrepreneurship private trader-service, the pricing model is monthly and based on the turnover of the business.
The service allows you to combine the best of light entrepreneurship and being a private trader! You don't have to pay any monthly fees, but you get all the benefits of a business ID that you can't get with a traditional light business.
If you want to work as an independent entrepreneur and invoice your customers without extra bureaucracy and paperwork without much risk, UKKO Light Entrepreneur with business ID is for you!
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