Running a licensed business is possible as a small business owner with a business ID. On the other hand, a light entrepreneur without a business ID cannot engage in most of the industries that require a permit.
A licensed business means a business activity that is regulated and monitored, for example, for reasons of public safety, and which therefore requires one or more permits from an authority.
Please note that when operating in a licensed industry, a light entrepreneur with a business ID, i.e. private trader, must join the Trade Register. Otherwise, joining the Trade Register is not mandatory for a private trader.
What permits do you need in different industries?
Below, we have collected a list of all industries for which you need permits as a business name entrepreneur.
Security sector: order control and guarding
- Security permit and/or guard card from the Police
Working with minors
- Criminal record extract from the Court Register Center
Real estate
- Notification to the Regional Administration Office
Driving school
- Driving school permit from Traficom
Car painting
- Environmental permit from the ELY center
Driving a taxi
- Taxi license from Traficom
- Taxi driver license from Traficom
Logistics sector
- Freight traffic license from Traficom
Construction industry
- Professional qualification certificate for the tasks to be performed
Medicine and nursing
- The right to act as a licensed healthcare professional and/or the right to use a protected professional title From Valvira
Alcohol serving and food sales
- Dispensing pass and/or hygiene pass from Valvira
- Business permit for restaurant or cafe use from the municipality's building control
- Notification to the Food Agency
- Food apartment notification to the municipality's food control
- Licensing permit from the Regional Administration Office
- Inspection of the business premises by the fire and rescue authority
Car inspection activity
- Inspection permit from Traficom
Electrical installation
- Joining the TUKES electrical work operator register
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